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Why do dogs need toys?

Views: 39     Author: Louise     Publish Time: 2017-04-08      Origin: Site Inquire

  Today, all of our employees have a lesson about the importance of toys for dogs. The speaker is our vice president. This lesson gives us more insight into the psychology of dogs.

  The best thing about toys designed to be active is that it helps us stay fit and in good shape. We burn off calories and get the required active that our dogs need to stay heathy.  Dogs just like the majority of animals that are living on this planet need some form of play in thier lives, its important because constant unhappiness can lead to an unhealthy and unhappy life for the dog.

  Why do dogs need toys? Well, they don't need toys in the sense that they are a neccessity. But it is a luxury to dogs and it can rally improve thier overall lifestyle, after all, if your making a dog happy it will most likely benefit the dog overall. Humans are just the same, if we are treated nicely enough we will feel good about ourselves. Dogs are very similar to us, because if you are not nice to a fellow human you will find that they will often become sad or even stressed when they experience no happiness. With a dog it is different, for a start a dog can easily become more stressed because if you are solating it in your house as a domestic pet you are technically not allowing it any contact with other dogs. This means that dogs can be very alone in terms of their own species, you have to enable the dog to have as much as it can, so toys are a very good way to improve their overall well being. Of course it will not improve the dogs physical heath by allowing it to play with toys, of course it may help in terms of exercise but it will help them get a happy, healthy life which is exactly what a dog should get.

  So always remenber, dogs too have to have some fun in their lives, don't deprive them of play time. Buying toys are a great way of satisfying their play time and helping them get exercise also. Toys are fun and can give the dog something to play with for hours on end. So now that you understand why a dog needs toys you can hopefully understand why they need play time also.


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